A proposito del progetto #eTwinclusion THE PROJECT IS FOCUSED ON DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION AND AIMED AT DEVELOPING CRITICAL THINKING AND EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE. THE STUDENTS, OF DIFFERENT AGES, WILL LISTEN AND READ SELECTED STORIES. TEACHERS WILL ASK THE STUDENTS TO DISCUSS AND DEBATE ON THE RELATED TOPICS, EXPLAINING AND DEMONSTRATING THEIR OWN POINT OF VIEWS IN A CLIMATE OF RESPECT, ACTIVE LISTENING, AND COLLABORATION. DEPENDING ON THE DIFFERENT AGE OF THE STUDENTS, WE WILL APPROACH THE DIFFERENT MEANINGS OF DIVERSITY, GEOGRAPHICAL, CULTURAL, COGNITIVE, OF GENDER, OF WEALTH AND SO ON. WE WILL FOLLOW THE METHODOLOGY OF PHILOSOPHY FOR CHILDREN IN ORDER TO STIMULATE PUPIL’S ATTITUDE TO DEMOCRACY AND TOLERANCE. THE FINAL PRODUCTS WILL BE MADE IN A CAROUSEL: A WEBSITE TO COLLECT WHAT WE HAVE EXPERIENCED, A BOOKLET TO MAKE OTHER STUDENTS SENSITISED ON THE TOPIC OF INCLUSION, A PUBLIC EVENT TO SHARE AND DISSEMINATE THE OUTCOMES. OBIETTIVI THROUGH THIS PROJECT, THE STUDENTS WILL: ● improve relational skills among their schoolmates and the international community they are going to work with ● acquire a positive attitude to democratically discussing and debating about diversity and inclusion but also to make decisions and get a role in a workgroup ● develop empathy, emotional intelligence, critical thinking in order to be tolerant and flexible, and relate to people without prejudices ● develop the ability to define a concept, discuss and debate in a climate of respect and democracy ● develop communication skills in mother tongue and English ● develop ICT skills THROUGH THIS PROJECT, THE TEACHERS WILL: ● improve collaboration skills ● improve documentation abilities ● gathering, establishing and sharing evaluation tools ● gain experience and compare active methodologies PROCEDURA DI LAVORO http://bit.ly/2gclWXA INTRODUCTION AND BREAKING ICE: UP TO NOV 15TH
LOGO AND SONGS AND THE BUCKET OF TALES: NOV -DEC STORYTELLING AND CIRCLE TIME: JAN AND FEB CREATIVE WRITING: MARCH -APR-MAY EVALUATION: LAST WEEK OF MAY BOOKLET, WEBSITE, PUBLIC EVENT: ALL YEAR LONG AND UP TO THE END OF THE SCHOOL YEAR Teachers collaboratively write the project Through an event, they define contents and methodology, select new partners and get to common decisions Students are involved in each phase of the project, discuss and debate in a democratic transnational community Periodically, students and teachers meet on Skype or on live events to play games, discuss and define the next step or the way to run an activity or just to enjoy being together Teachers establish rubrics and evaluation grids in order to evaluate ability, skills, competencies. Students participate in their self-evaluation, in order to reflect on their individual learning process and on their contribution to the collaborative work RISULTATI ATTESI Pupils of all ages will be capable researchers and open their conceptual horizons They will be able to investigate their own and other’s experience. They will be able to walk in someone else’s shoes through listening others’ opinions, accepting and valorizing the diversity of each member of the group They will become “messengers” and “witness” of inclusion in the communities they belong to FINAL PRODUCTS BOOKLET: Stories, drawings, and comments are collected in the booklet of inclusion, which represents a ready material to be shared in all of the schools. EVENTS: in each school takes place an event about diversity and inclusion, each school choose a way to share the contents WEBSITE: the oldest students can make a blog or a simple site, collecting all the materials and documenting the different steps of the project. Each school link the blog or the external website to the official site of the school PRESS: each school informs its town newspaper of the project and the public event

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